Thursday, September 13, 2012

Well not really on this level...but you know, the adult version

Woke up this morning with the usual migraine...arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgh...why, Lord, why? Anyway, took my drugs and hoped it will go away...

I have so much to do. Job and extra curriculum activities. Havent been to the gym in a while. I got a bit paranoid yesterday so I skipped dinner. But now I just checked my weight and I haven't gone up(Phew!) but I haven't reduced either!

I made some new friends which feels really good. A Brazilian woman and another lady from Lebanon. They made me promise to be in touch and not disappears in this city, men.

Things are okay,  lots of changes again but that's good if not life becomes fucking boring.

So I am kinda high a bit on if only these damn migraines would go away...

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